Five Pillars . Ten Characters Chinese Astrology


For thousands of years, The Chinese Astrology uses people’s Birth Year, Month, Day, Hour to build the birth chart, which has Four Pillars, Eight Characters. The interval of Chinese astrological hour is two hours. It’s kind of long. Ancient China didn’t know their exact birth time, because they didn’t have good instrument to measure the time at home. Therefore, Chinese Astrology was developed into only Four Pillars. Today, we can find clock time everywhere. Most people have their birth time recorded in their birth certificates. If we have correct birth time, then we should apply minute information into the birth chart. This application is able to calculate the Five Elements of Minute Pillar, analyze the balance of Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth) and then determine the Lucky Element in the birth chart.

Very often, Chinese Astrology uses the cycle of Wood (plant) to explain our cycle of life.

The Birth Year is the Root of Plant. It contains information of ancestor and our early age. (born to age 16)

The Birth Month is the Sprout of Plant. It contains information of parents and our growing age. (age 17 to 32)

The Birth Day is the Flower of Plant. It contains information of marriage and our middle age. (age 33 to 48)

The Birth Hour is the Fruit of Plant. It contains information of children and our golden age. (age 49 to 64)

The Birth Minute is the Seed of Plant. It contains information of retirement and late age. (age 65 to rest)


2014 Super Full Moon and Chinese Mid-Fall Moon Festival

Supermoon Chinese Midfal -Festival


The “Supermoon” is not an astronomical term. It’s from modern astrology. Astrologer Richard Nolle defined a new or full moon which occurs with the moon at or near (within 90% of) its closest approach to Earth.

2014 Chinese Moon Festival, a.k.a. Chinese Mid-Fall Festival, is on September 08, 2014 in China time zone. In China, “Moon is extraordinary full during Mid- Autumn” has been told from generation to generation. Some people wonder the moon of the Chinese Moon Festival is always a Super Full Moon, which is a Supermoon appears on the Full Moon day. 

Supermoon is related to the distance between Earth and Moon. The average distance from Earth to Moon is 382,500 kilometers (237,700 miles). There is no simple formula to determine the Supermoon. In order to memorize easily the number some people adopt this way. If a full moon is closer than 360,000 kilometers (223,694 miles), it is considered a Supermoon. MORE